Now that the holidays are over, I'm moving back into the other part of my life as a writer. I'm dealing with OPS in a different way. Clients come to me for help with their stories and together, we develop, revise and edit their work. As in the different writers' groups I've belonged to over the years, it is always easier to see where someone else needs to slow down and shift narrative summary into a scene or scenes, to recognize and improve dialogue that conveys vital information but isn't quite natural, or develop a character who needs to speak for him or herself rather than for the writer. Though my focus is always on teaching clients how to develop the skills needed to make those revisions (ultimately) without me, today I recognize that an element of OPS sharpens my own eyes when I return to my own work after the appointment ends.
The give and take in my present writers' group and with my one on one writing partner offers a greater depth of those insights, since the group and partnership are founded on mutual feedback. Still, as my editorial work picks up again now that we're in 2011, I am grateful for more than the income. I'm excited to be in a position to help clients' writing evolve; and I'm grateful for the element of personal insight offered by OPS.